1. 進入主機,把gallery2目錄底下的 config.php 作編輯
把debug模式打開 (搜尋debug,然後註解拿掉,把"false"改成"buffered")
3. http://codex.galleryproject.org/Gallery2:FAQ#I_suddenly_got_an_.22ERROR_LOCK_TIMEOUT.22_message.2C_what_do_I_do.3F
1030516這次的錯誤是出現 "ERROR_LOCK_TIMEOUT" message, what do I do?
f you are using database locking (there is a setting at the bottom of 'Site admin' -> 'General' to switch between database and file based locking), then you can try to get rid of this old 'lock' by using phpMyAdmin to delete all rows of the 'g2_Lock' table.
1.先進去設定 -> 一般 把database based 改成 file based
2.用phpMyAdmin進去,清理掉 g2_lock 這個table所有的row
4.或者進入管理後台,把外掛先關掉 (這一次就是因為imagemagick的問題) ,然後再一個一個開起來看看是什麼問題